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Agricultural Products
As part of our strategic diversification Tunas Global Food started its engagement in the Fertilizer busin essduring 2nd half of 2019 and success fully concluded the first UREA transaction in January 2020.
Throug hour extensive networkin the FSU countries we were able t o enterin to this new business field by utilising our financial capa bilities , understanding of commodity markets and excellent relation ships to the logistic sector in that region. Fertilizer are sensitive products which require continuous manag ement of complex supply chain sas wellas the control of product quality
With our grow in team of industry professional sand young talents were are successfully managing our activities and are working to extend this business line very day.
We are committed to sustainable growth environmental protection and high quality service for clients
The Fertilizer Trading is the first step of Future Trad e’s strategy to extend its engagement in the supply and trading of agricultural products.
Fertilizers are food for plants: they provide the essential nutrients that they need to grow and thrive. Fertilizers enhance the natural fertility of the soil or replace the chemical elements taken from the soil by previous
crops. Fertilizers are used across the globe to support sustainable agricultural production, and it is estimated that half the food we eat is produced thanks to mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are fundamental to agriculture and our challenge is to feed the world sustainably
UREA was first synthesized by the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler in 1828. Since then UREA has made its way in to the agricultural production cycle with an unbroken demand growth.
UREA is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer because of its high nitrogen ( N ) content of minimum 46 % . It is mainly marketed in prilled form with a granulometry between 1mm – 4mm. Detailed quality specifications can be provided on demand.
A key factor for a successful trading operation is are liable logistic. Logistic for Fertilizer like UREA demand a high competence and experience from the transport, ware housing and for warding provider. With its logistics partners Future Trade was able to establish a smooth and seamless operation across multi-transport modes around the Caspian basin.

Whether by dedicated railcars for the overland transport , special river-and / or sea-going bulk carriers for the maritime transport or the connection of these different transport modes with accumulation and transhipment in special purpose ware houses itis our main goal to ensure no quality deterioration and punctual operation. Up on reques to four client instead of bulk transport we can also arrange pack aging in big bags. For details please contact our Fertilizer Trading team.